JWIS Amazon Administration Support
This service is for the author who desires to self-publish through Amazon. JWI Services receives the approved manuscript proof and book cover to then set up the files on Amazon. This Service takes out the guessing work many authors face when setting up the files and using the website. This Service is a flat fee of $89.99. The author is responsible for setting up all other aspects of the Amazon Kindle account.
JWIS Amazon Administration Terms & Agreement
The JWIS Amazon Administration Support Service is Non-Refundable. The price is based on any manuscript and book cover design. The approved manuscript must be previously formatted for the book size desired by the author. Likewise, the book cover must be high-resolution formatting in the appropriate size of the book. If any of these details are not formatted appropriately, it will delay the completion of the process. The author will have to make the appropriate updates before the completion of the service is performed.